First Aid Training

Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for a First Aider in the Workplace, this three-day qualification meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982. The learner will attain knowledge and the practical competence required to deal with a range of workplace first aid situations.

Entry requirements

The qualification is available to learners aged 14 or over but a learner is unable to act as a First Aider in the workplace until they reach the age of 16. Due to the practical nature of the first aid assessment there are physical demands and learners must be able to demonstrate their skills as in a real-life situation. An example of this would be to demonstrate CPR on a manikin at floor level. It is recommended that learners should hold a minimum of Level 1 in literacy or equivalent to undertake this qualification.

For more information please CONTACT US or make a booking at

Office #: +44 7916 947 668
