
First Aid training reduces the risk of accidents occurring and improves the confidence of employees to handle emergency situations if they happen.

An accident is a traumatic experience for both the patient and those attending to them. Remember, your employees are not nurses with every day triage experience; they are only first aiders that hope they never need to use their training.

It is recommended that a nominated first aider has the Level 3 qualification; however, this level 2 certificate can provide your employees with basic skills to underpin your businesses preparation for an emergency.

First aiders with the level 2 qualification can:

  • Begin first response immediately, whilst waiting for the advanced first aider to arrive (especially on large sites).
  • Manage the situation effectively, reducing panic and confusion by understanding what is happening.
  • Effectively provides support to the nominated first aider through a demanding situation,
    appreciate their working environment to help reduce accidents occurring.
  • Save lives!

For more information please CONTACT US or make a booking at https://rjtrainingsolution.com/course-registration/
Office #: +44 7916 947 668
E-mail: info@rjtrainingsolution.com