Dog Handling

Training would be delivered over a number of weeks and would be of sufficient duration to ensure competency, having a minimum of 100 guided learning hours (GLH’s).

GLH’s are recorded hours of direct training, structured learning and assessment given to an individual learner by their tutor and not the duration of a course.

Programme Structure

The programme is flexible with a mixture of theory and practical tuition and is made up of 5 Units (4 Core Units plus 1 Pathway Unit) all of which are compulsory (see content).

Prior Learning

All learners should hold an appropriate SIA licence (unless exempt).

The learner should be competent in the handling of a dog; it is strongly recommended that learners (and their dogs) are assessed prior to commencement of training by a NASDU Approved Instructor/Trainer for which any additional GLH’s may be identified.

The dog should be of an acceptable breed and above 12 months old, possess the suitable drives required for its role and have had basic obedience training.

Dogs previously schooled in other disciplines must be identified to the Instructor/Trainer prior to commencement of training.

Learners who within the last 5 years have been formally certificated and have proven Detection Dog Handling experience either in the private security sector or in the public sector as a Police or Prison Officer or as a Member of HM Armed Forces, may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).


• HABC Certificate – endorsement of learning programme shall be for the handler (lifetime achievement)
• NASDU Certificate – assessment of competency shall be as a Team i.e. Handler & Dog (12 month expiry)